who the hell is JIA.
nur najiha ahmad.
this gurl in tudung, this gurl who looks so nice and damn blur most of the time.
she's not fairly ODD princess, she's not the vietnam maid, and no, she's not the pelarian dr kem.
she just my best friend who been together with me for 4 years in counting.
we cried.
we laugh.
we fight.
we pull each other hair.
we shop.
we whore.
we even turn horny.
yes, we have all the qualities that qualified us to become world most IDIOTIC NOT MAKING ANY SENSE BEST FRIEND.
even so, we love each other. and we still spend most of our time together.
it was on year 2005 when i first knew her, she was NEW KID on school. wandering around the school without bringing money to pay for our school club, being the ever so-nice me. *ehem*
i borrowed her my money without asking much.
she took it with her and thank me.
that is how we become closer than ever.
oh well, we were not like other bestie for sure, since we mind our own freaking business most of the time.
we never been in one class or even any thing that can make us see each other often.
we just close that way.
jia, remember all those letter?
i don't remember where i last put it but damn memorible.
sweet right.
form 5 science 2, is the class where we actually reunited together with my other best friend LOW KAR YEN.
we sit in one row, and god please help the teachers who bear the noises.XDD
i still have the paper that we wrote about spooky ghost story under the ceiling that have this weird black hole which looks like the scene from 'dark water'
and it was on monday where it was all gloomy and very much raining the whole day.
we sat in circle and talk endlessly bout how this spirit from the hole above the ceiling is a girl who lost her boyfriend which were gay.
i should admit, i become so scared that i couldnt sleep that night.
and we never study hard right. wakakakka
we always....get that constant mark for our exam. haha.
and yea, we still did our best for the spm didnt we?
after that, we've work together. and remember how crazy we were?
we sing BIG BANG song while we were walking.
or how we 'climb' the escalator that was going opposite.
and how we cam-whore inside fitting room and get out like nothing happen.
we even spend most of our outing without failed in sg wang.
we done most of the crazy stuff together.
i love how many tshirt in pairing that we have.
we should buy bikini after this.hahah. right right.XDD
when i went to NS, you called me every weekend without caring how much it will cost you in the end.
and i still hate the fact that we wont be going to university together,
yes. very much.
i hate to go back to KL after you called me to say you were going to matrix in gopeng.
but of course i was happy for you, i really did.
i wanted to see you become doctor najiha, the one i proud to have and called as my ever-lasting bestie.
i love to share my life with you, and i did promise you that i will protect you no matter what happen. i kept my word.
i hope in 10 years to come, we be able to look back and laugh at how silly we were when we still teenagers.
after i come back, strangely we have connection like soul sisters that eventually your life and mine were connected.
im talking about how weirdly it was, that your college friends is my friends too.
see, we do share our life together right.
we are so close that my house already become her second home and her house always open for me.
we share our stuff and we talked like there is no tomorrow.
in my prayer i hope, we still will be friends for infinity.
i love you nur najiha.
nak jd cam baek sgt je, yg penting budak nie adalah kwn baek sy.
dan kalo nak tulis sal pe yg ktorg 2 da wat mmg xkan cukup la blog nie..
oit jia, jgn bajet da la.hehe
syg ko gile2 r.
muah muahh.
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